Our Services


Devising and Implementing Procedures

We can help you to devise and implement procedures to meet legal and regulatory requirements, in areas such as assignment manuals, anti-money laundering, client acceptance, practice assurance, ethical codes and fit and proper declarations.

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Risk Management

Managing risk and limiting liability are at the heart of the effective running of your firm.

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Engagement Documentation

A well-drafted engagement letter provides clarity about what is to be done and, equally importantly, what will not be done. We can help you to produce engagement letter templates for routine assignments, and tailored wordings for specialist work.

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Professional Indemnity Insurance Matters

We can assist you with ensuring that your professional indemnity insurance programme meets the requirements of your regulator, and advise you on how to handle complaints and potential claims if they arise.

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Reviews of Systems and Procedures

We can review the procedures and arrangements you already have in place in the above areas, report our findings to you and advise on any necessary improvements.

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Compliance Reviews

We can undertake periodic compliance reviews in areas such as anti-money laundering, audit compliance, client money regulations, DPB investment business, and practice assurance.

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File Reviews

We can undertake “hot” file reviews and engagement quality control reviews of live assignments, and “cold” file reviews of completed assignments, whether they involve audit or non-audit work. These can either form part of your periodic compliance reviews, or be carried out on an ad-hoc basis.

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Complex or contentious matters can sometimes arise on assignments, or differences of opinion amongst the engagement team. We can provide a source of consultation to enable you to resolve such situations.

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Regulatory Returns

Professional and regulatory bodies require the submission of periodic returns for monitoring purposes. We can assist you with completing your returns and review them before submission.

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Technical and Ethical Queries

Getting technical and ethical matters right is one of the cornerstones of professional work. We provide an enquiries service which can help you to resolve technical (accounting, audit, company law) and ethical queries as they arise.

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Professional Qualification Training Requirements

We can help you with the arrangements you need in place to train students for the qualifications of the ICAEW, ACCA, AAT and other professional bodies.

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Continuing Professional Development Requirements

We can advise you on the ways in which members of your team can meet the requirement to undertake CPD, and how to plan and record their activities.

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Technical and Training Material

We can write technical and training material addressing relevant issues for use within your firm.

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Training Sessions

We can produce and deliver in-house training sessions on topical issues and developments, tailored to the requirements of your firm.

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